This device protects electronics against extreme climatic conditions, switching the power supplies OFF (Standby) when the internal temperature is under or over the established limits.
A Temperature Supervisory Unit (TSU) is fitted in the NVS-MIL2004HSR ‘PLUS’ version. This device protects Router-Switch electronics against extreme climatic conditions, switching the power supplies OFF (standby) when the internal temperature is under or over the established limits. Users may set HI & LO temperature trip-points to regulate and optimize the system safety operational temperature range.
Heating elements are also fitted for mitigating against cold startups. An ‘early warning’ signal advises the digital electronics prior to shutdown-to-standby, allowing critical data to be orderly stored and saved. Router-Switch power is restored once internal temperatures are within operational limits. All functions can be user enabled or disabled by soldered bridges.

Remote switches
External switches can control system PSU & TSU operation. Lines can be wired to a cockpit or to a master system.

Thermal monitoring
The High and Low TSU temperature trip points are user-adjustable through two multi-turn trimming resistors located in the power supply PCB. Factory presets fitted with fixed resistors can be installed in production series.